Our composters provide free composting services for four neighbourhoods.
Our Community Composting program started in 2017 in the Humber Heights Community Garden and is now active at all neighbourhood community gardens in Corner Brook.

Our bins create finished compost in as little as 6 weeks.
The finished compost is an extremely valuable resource for gardeners, and is offered to project participants and local community gardeners.

Want to know more about our Community Compost?
All you have to do is sign up by email to info@wecnl.ca and then drop off kitchen scraps at your convenience.
Composting bins can be found at four of WEC’s community gardens:
• Barry Place
• Caribou Road
• Humber Road
• Reid StreetAnd at WEC’s Dome Greenhouse behind the Centre for Research and Innovation on Mill Road.
You can start dropping off kitchen scraps at the bins anytime. Each bin has two sides, and you can open any of the doors that aren't locked to dump your scraps.
The locked sides contain compost that is 'curing'.
We take fruit, vegetables, egg shells, old houseplants, coffee, tea, dry grains (rice, bread, pasta, etc) and small bits of paper, egg cartons, etc. Please remove all stickers from fruit and veggies, as well as rubber bands/twist ties.
Please don't put in meat, seafood, dairy, full eggs, oils, sauces, or large amounts of yard waste (big bags of leaves, twigs).
When this compost is finished curing, we sift it, and store it on site so that it's available for participants to use in their own gardens.